you cooked up a storm and fed all your imaginary friends
delicious fake-tea and fake-cookies.
Maybe your parents were in on it...Either way,
you learned that a stocked kitchen is made for entertaining
your taste-buds as well as your family, friends & your belly.
After you learned that creating imaginary food
doesn't exactly satisfy your taste buds, you moved on
to barbecued hot dogs, bratwurst, hamburger meat
and maybe even a thick piece of steak. YUM.
From there, you should or you most likely have,
considered a fancy outdoor kitchen!!
That basically takes eating to another level.
That BBQ smell is.....well....intoxicating.
Outdoor kitchens require strategic placement in relation
to the other elements that you already have in your backyard!
It's a fun idea if you enjoy entertaining at your home,
why not move the crew outside where you can
watch the clouds/stars and breathe in fresh air,
plus, you can get as messy as you want!! Whiiiiiiii..freedom.
And it doesn't matter if you have a grill that will make your
inside kitchen jealous or if you have a packaged small
grill from your local grocery store...what matters is that you
have purchased a home with a backyard ready for some
Here on 30A, more homes are adding in this little fun feature.
It adds value to the resale of a house because the trend is
making the most of what you have!
Give your home that little "wow" factor.
It's fun for you and yours, but for a potential buyer it's a huge plus.
~sylvia soderholm