I come across throughout the day at the office...
Maybe these will inspire you create something amazing!
Many of the homes here on 30A have incredible attributes
that sometimes makes me think "whoever did this is brilliant".
Just something fun to stare at!! Enjoy.
Solared powered sun bricks. No electrical bill needed!
Maybe a little tacky but storage savvy!!
Do It Yourself outdoor lighting. Cool idea.
This is so beautiful.
Outdoorsy coasters. Brilliant right? Looks so chic.
I would get a fish just for this bowl. Kinda silly but cute.
This makes so much sense. This shoe organizer can
be bought anywhere! Just brilliant.
Tea pot flower planters. Unique.
Envisioning a few cute chickens in there...
OH MY GAWSH!!!!!!!!!!!
Chic shading for the backyard summer nights.
Romantic. Chic. Oh I'm obsessed...
YES...apparently this is quite common in kitchens,
first time I've ever seen it! Neat huh?
~sylvia soderholm